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The Purple Restaurant brand is classic, modern & luxurious.

I started by creating a stylescape (The Futur's concept) using the adjectives mentioned. I started putting together all the elements I think will work for this brand & then reworked on images a bit so that they match the color palette. The stylescape for this project is a short one, since it's just a quick practice project. Below is the final version of the stylescape for The Purple Restaurant.

Final version of the stylescape for The Purple Restaurant

Now that the branding direction has been set, I started working on the sketches & wireframes for the website landing page to reserve a table.


There were a few more versions of wireframes before I decided to move on with "the one". Below is the final design that came out of the wireframes & the styling direction.

Final design for the landing page to reserve the table.

And there you have it, a beautiful landing page for a restaurant to get table reservations.

Our Aim

We want to work with as many businesses out there, while delivering design solutions which stand out & help to boost the brand's strength.

You tell us what you are looking for & we will listen. We will be there to help you. If we think solving your problem is beyond us (which rarely happens), we will be honest about it upfront.